
Our Motto “Be A Force'' represents who we are as a team. We believe everyone can be a force whether it’s in the gym, at home, at work, or in life with the right guidance. Our coaches use a science-based approach with personalized programs to help you achieve your goals. Whether you need accountability and motivation, you are a novice, advanced, or just here for fun; we have the perfect coach for you.


Coach Levels

Presher Coaches are classified as P1, P2, P3, Featured Coach and Head Coach based on tenure, experience, and education. All have degrees from leading universities and/or NCCA accredited credentials from certifying agencies, such as The American College of Sports Medicine, National Academy of Sports Medicine, International Sports Sciences Association and the American Council on Exercise.  


These coaches are perfect for anyone looking to build their knowledge base and basic fitness goals. Including weight loss, strength gain, and overall maintenance.



If you have experience and an established fitness base, these coaches can help take you to the next level. Equipped to handle any life event from athletic performance to a wedding.



The ultimate Swiss army knife. These coaches have the tools to do anything. With advanced education, they can address any client need including injuries. 


Featured Coach

A P3 coach with an entourage and paparazzi. They are incredibly busy, in-demand, popular & skilled.

Head Coach

If you combine all the best attributes of a P3 and Featured Coach together, mix them in a test tube, and add in superpowers, you would have a Head Coach. With years of proven results, numerous amounts of certifications, and degrees Head Coaches deliver in all aspects for their clients. Life coaching, Nutrition, Program Design, and more.

Partner Training

Train with a friend or partner. Motivate and hold each other accountable. All the benefits while reducing the cost per by working out together. Package based on the level of the coach.



Ready to start?

Provide us with your details and a member of our Presher Fitness Team will contact you shortly.


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